Well boys and girls this is the last day of the adventure down under. Quiet start as Sophie had an appointment to go to but I made a potatoe and spinach curry to go with the lentil and prawn one I’d previously made.
In the afternoon we went over to The Palm to pick up a pram holder for Sophie and called into the new Atlantis for a look see and a drink. Obviously it 27 star with Heston restaurant etc etc etc. it’s not my cup of tea by a very long way. All the girls were 8 ft tall with dresses stopping at their bum following elderly men about. Not impressed. But it has a nice lobby and shops on the ground floor of which I did not recognise any of the names. In the end we came back to Townsquare and had a pint of Stella in the local pub. A much better idea.
Well this is the end of another adventure. I hope you have enjoyed the trip as much as I have. It’s certainly been an experience for sure. Over three months away from home and seeing many amazing things. It’s a short flight back to Manchester in the morning and with a bit of luck I should be in the pub by 17:00.
The question is Where Next?? Any ideas.
The end.
Tom K