All along the Normandy coast they are getting prepared for the 75th D Day landings. It’s some sight. Flags everywhere and depending which beach you are on a different flag appears, US flag at Utah etc. Also on the telegraph poles they have heroes of WW11 with a photo of the soldier on it. Very impressive.
whilst I was in the area I headed over to Bayeux to have a look at the tapestry. Excellent visit and highly recommended for sure. The things you don’t know in life. Those dirty rotten Norman’s coming over to England when they were not welcome. Far from the truth. I believe the tapestry is planned to come to London whilst they modernise the museum here.
Also a beautiful cathedral to have a look at.
Bayeux is getting ready for the D Day celebrations. A lot of the shop and cafe restaurants have their windows decorated with cartoons about the liberation of the town in 1944. Very well done.
Bayeux is a sleepy town with narrow winding streets. Lots to admire as it was recaptured quickly after the allies landed with little damage.
From here back to the beaches and visited Omaha and Utah. There’s a large US museum at Utah which is worth a look at. Tanks and planes etc but worth a look round.
Utah beach for the night.