I made an early start to the day with the intention of getting to eat the crowds at St Michel. It sure was busy. I’d hate to visit this place during the high season. The car parks are bigger than at the NEC. Honestly. It was worth visiting but I would not go out of my way to say it was exceptional. Some of the views over the surrounding shore were nice. I never made it to the church at the top. Struggled getting in and out of the car park. They do make it difficult???????
After a two hour walk about headed over to Cancale. Now this is my kind of place. Sleepy fishing village with good restaurants and shops.There were quiet a few stalls selling oysters along the sea front. In the restaurants you could buy 6 oysters and a glass of white wine for €8. Bargain. Stayed here over lunch which put me behind schedule. What schedule????
Anyway it meant that I would not have enough time to look round St Malo so I’ll leave that until tomorrow. Set up camp in a lovely aire at Poubalay. Really nice with electric showers etc and free Wi-fi. Good deal for €10?