Friday 31st May

Pay day, imagine getting paid to do this. Ha. Another pay day tomorrow. Double time!!!!!!

I spoke last night to the owner last night about how beautiful the Crozon nature reserve was. Did you see those buildings in the way to Camaret? Their missile bases. I did notice them and they are massive. Along the north coast are the nuclear submarine pens! And further in is the French helicopter base. Nice nature reserve.

Started off the day travelling to a small medieval town of Lacronan. Very well kept but full of Korean visitors. It was used for the filming of Tess. Cool place.

From here I called in at Dournenez which used to be the largest fish processing port in France. All gone but some of the ships are on display in a small harbour.

Onto Baie Des Trespasses which is called the Bay of Death by the number of dead bodies that got washed up over the years. Nice spot though with people out body boarding and surfing. Good waves.

Next to this was the Pointe du Raz which is the French equivalent of Lands End. Much better with a smart l


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