The further south I went in Champagne and Ardennes it would be inevitable that I would have to turn north at some stage. Today was the day.
Firstly Made the short journey down to Chaumont. Now Chaumont has absolutely nothing going for it at all in the town. But it has got the very best viaduct I have ever seen. Three tiers with 53 arches. A joy to see. Big brother to Ribblehead!!!!!!!
On to Langres which is well worth a visit. It’s a citadel and has not changed in a million years. Home to the philosopher Diderot. If he came back today he could find his way around. Good fortifications, old narrow streets and a neat centre. They’ve got a nice campsite next to the walls on the east side.
Today was decision time. I could stay in Langres or move north but as it was still early I headed north. Eventually decided to go back to Epernay as it was a gateway to North France. Arrived about 3pm and found a good aire near the centre. Had a walk into town. Considering what it is and where it is it’s the most nondescript place you could imagine. All the big maisons are out of town and all the small ones are in nearby villages. Give it a miss.
When I got back to the van there were several boule games going on. I must admit I thought it was a bit of a nonsense game but after watching for a while there is a great degree of skill and tactics involved. Like it.
This evenings chore is where to go next?????
Hi Tom
Just checked through your blog – some good pics there. Certainly impressed with Reims. I thought the Champagne region looked interesting on T de F.
Just been to Budapest- mixed opinions