Thursday 30th May

Overcast this morning with a slight drizzle. I’d booked the 11am boat trip this morning so walked down to Crozon harbour only to be told the trip was off because they need a minimum of 12 to make it worth while. We only had three. Gutted.

Never mind, lots more to see. Set out for Camaret which is supposed to be the most picturesque village in Brittany. It’s true!!!!!! Based in a small bay it’s got rows of cafes and restaurants along the shore. At the far end is a quay with a mausell fort at the end. Just before that were rotting fishing boats up on the beach. A sad left over from good fishing days.

Id spotted a sign for the Point de Pen Hir so headed to that. It’s onlt a stones throw from the village but just outside was prehistoric stone circle. Huge.

Before the Cap was a WW11 Atlantic meseum with anchors from ships sunk. Also a German bunker complex. Worth a visit.

2 thoughts on “Thursday 30th May”

  1. Those anchors are massive! Are they the real deal and genuinely the ones that were on the ships?

    If so they’re in really good condition!

    1. Hey Yas, you finally got on. I thought you were the high tech one at Accenture!!
      Yes they are really from ships that were sunk during the war of the Atlantic. It’s a small museum.

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