Starting to slow down a bit now after a busy two weeks. Completely in the rhythm of the trip now. Going to do a lot more longer stops on the journey. The problem is that most places are only small!!!!!!
Headed across to Plougerneau which has a beautiful small harbour with kids out sailing in small dingies. Braver than I am as it was cold and very windy. It’s been raining on and off all morning. I visited the last aber at Wrach which was a goos spot.
Slowly meandered down the coast to Le Conquet which was the highlight of the day. Small town with a harbour. Boats bobbing up and down. Parked up for a couple a hours and wandered around. Just missed the market. Opposite Le Conquet there is a headland and I’ve managed to get in at a very quiet campsite. Across the road is the most stunning beach you could imagine. Two people on it with a dog!!!
Managed to fill up with diesel today without any issues. Must be getting easier.