Wednesday 29th May

It’s so darned hot here that Sophie goes for a swim at 06:00 to avoid the midday sun. Not surprisingly I gave it a miss. After a few chores Sophie,Betsy and I went for brunch at the Polo and equestrian centre which was not too far away. Believe it or not they let me in!!!! I know the likes of me in the Polo club. But it was really nice and very up market as you would expect. Brunch was okay but nothing to write home about. They really don’t do sausages out here!!!

Back home to give Betsy a sleep and then just Sophie and I travelled over to Abu Dhabi. It’s only about 90 minutes and straight there on a four lane highway. They have no clue over here about lane discipline ( mind it’s the same back in the UK). We’d been to the Louvre and the under construction museum on a previous occasion so Sophie had booked a visit to the palace of Abu Dhabi. I’ve been in some buildings on my travels around the world but nothing,just nothing compares with this. It’s honestly beyond description. Nobody lives in it and it’s not really a palace, more an assembly room!! But it’s massive with gold and silver everywhere. It’s supposed to have cost $3billion and I believe it. Nowhere else in the world could a country get away with spending that kind of money on such a building. The only use I could make out is to host foreign visitor receptions and there is a very small room set aside for government cabinet meetings.

We had planned to have a walk round the Marina F1 circuit which is open to cyclists (anti clockwise) and walkers (clockwise) each evening. It was quite busy as the heat of the sun had subsided. Unfortunately we were running out of time but managed to get the atmosphere of the place. To be honest it’s worth half a day to give it justice. One of the great things I like was that the circuit was being used by the general public on a daily basis. There’s also a massive go cart circuit there as well. You can walk the full length of the circuit and then cycle it with a free bike hire facility. Like it.

Back home to see Chris and an excellent Thai takeaway. I liked that tooooooo.

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