Wednesday 29th May

From Le Conquet travelled east to Brest. My travel book told me it was worth missing as it was close I gave it a go. It’s a bloody concrete jungle. Everything was concrete apart for a fort in the harbour. I did not even stop to take a photo. Brest was cold and wet and as you know no one likes a wet and cold Brest!!!!!!!!! Had to get on in.

The main stop today was the Crozon peninsular which is a national nature reserve. First stop was the town of Crozon itself. Market day on a Wednesday so had a look round that. The fish stall was impressive. It’s onlt a small seaside village but a major tourist attraction with its pleasant cafes and restaurants. Spotted a funny scene by the tourist office. A toilet with a hole in the wall. Someone desperate for a poo!!!!!

Im going on a boat trip tomorrow from Morgot just along the coast. Headed over there to book the trip along the coast to see the caves. Apparently their famous. We shall see. Stopping here for two nights which is unusual. Wrap up warm for the trip.

3 thoughts on “Wednesday 29th May”

  1. Just looked at the map; you seem to have travelled a long way from Brest?

    All the place names seem unusual, is this because they are in Breton?

    Is the Finistere area much like north Cornwall?

  2. Looking at the map again I imagine you’re heading to St. Nazaire, being an engineer and all!

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